What Is The Main Drawbacks Of Scholasticism

What is THE main drawbacks Of scholasticism

Scholasticism is a school for intellectual persons that emphasize logic, learning. It produces theories, principles and movement.

However, theology is somewhat became Word of Man instead of Word ff God. This is the main drawback of Scholasticism for those who have deep respect on the Truth that can be found on the Bible.

One of the popular scholar was Aristotle, a classical philosopher and known as the Father of Science. Some theories popularized by him were about the Universe. Hundreds of years were influenced by his teachings that the Universe is rigid and has no changes in any form and in any ways. The Earth was claimed that it must rest on something otherwise it will fall. It was a basic teachings also copied by some influenced Religion during their times. However, when the Modern Science confirmed that any of the two were not the truth about the Universe and Earth, the accuracy of the Bible became an issue. People now is thinking that Bible contradicts Science.

You may wonder if those were real teachings of the Bible. Isaiah 40:22 said:" He is stretching out the heavens like a fine gauze." It only means that Science and Bible have the same thought of vast changes of the Universe in shape, distance and width.

Another Bible passage in Job 26:7 said:" He stretches out the northern sky over empty space, Suspending the earth upon nothing; And he spreads them out like a tent to dwell in." It clearly stating the same scientific fact today that the Earth was not on rest or hold on something.

Teachings about immortality of the soul was also one of the teaching influenced by scholars. But the Bible said, soul is another term for the human being, thus, a soul may die as human being dies. See Genesis 1:7 and Ezekiel 18:4 as well as the Greek term for the soul to compare on the meaning of psychology.

It is a serious sin that the Word of God was corrupted as said by Apostle Paul in 1 Corinthian 4:6.


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